Unique Student Identifier
What is a USI?
A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives students access to their USI account. A USI will allow an individual's USI account to be linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection allowing an individual to see all of their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications. The USI will make it easier for students to find and collate their VET achievements into a single authenticated transcript. It will also ensure that students' VET records are not lost.
What do I need to do?
Students enrolling in Nationally Recognised Training will need to provide Seaton Training with their Unique Student Identifier on enrolment. The USI is available online and at no cost to the student. This USI will stay with the student for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is completed.
To create or log into your USI account go to www.usi.gov.au
USI Exemptions
If you are granted an exemption from obtaining a USI you will need to provide evidence of the exemption. If an exemption is granted the result of your training will not be accessible through the Commonwealth and will not appear on any authenticated VET transcript prepared by the Registrar.
Information on USI Transcripts
Seaton Training reports to the USI Office annually, so your Statement of Attainment information will not be available to download from your USI account until after that reporting has been completed.
Please find below links to useful resources from the USI Office below;
The student webpage on ‘Transcript/Training Records’ on the USI website, which includes a link to an example of a USI Transcript and a selection of FAQs
The ‘Your USI Transcript’ fact sheet
‘When will my training appear on my USI Transcript?’ fact sheet